A quick Substack sync
To add value for subscribers there, I’ll be launching an Annual Outlook and an Intro to Web3 webinar soon.
Today I’m excited to share some changes I’m making to the publishing workflow for my tech newsletter w3w over on Substack.
I’m adding two exclusive projects for paid subscribers to w3w on that platform. If these will add value for you, please do sign up for a paid plan there:
- Year in Review & 2025 Outlook: For w3w’s Founding Members, I’m working on a new package of content that will look back at this year’s major developments and ahead to key tech trends that I see coming in the New Year. This will launch with a members-only webinar in December, complemented by a long-form report that will go out as a PDF. (Founding Members will get the slides from the webinar as well, of course.) If you want to get a jump on 2025’s major developments in Bitcoin, Ethereum, AI, and other emerging technologies re-shaping the web, this option is for you!
- Intro to Web3: This will be a webinar open to all paid subscribers who want to understand blockchain tech at a high level. The presentation will be accessible and non-technical, with no investment advice or token picks. But it should be a helpful starting point/backgrounder if you want to delve into such things later on your own. I’ll launch this one early in 2025, and it will repeat periodically for newcomers.
Going forward, w3w will also be moving to a more flexible publication schedule for email updates to all subscribers, including the free tier.
My regular Sunday email blast will continue, but it will be strictly a bulleted news summary beginning next week. Longer standalone posts will go out periodically whenever they’re ready, when news breaks, or when something just grabs my attention that I urgently want to share.
The general idea here is that I’ve been weighing some new options for w3w, both creatively and in terms of revenue, since the newsletter’s migration to Substack in August as w3w’s primary channel.
Now that I’ve learned more about Substack, I’m rolling out a few new ideas there. I truly believe the changes described above will preserve the things that people have told me they already love about w3w. At the same time, I’m glad to add some new elements to the mix as well.
In particular, I see the Annual Outlook and Intro to Web3 webinars as great ways to emphasize the big picture, to help you cut through the frenzy of daily incremental developments in tech.
I hope you’ll join me by upgrading to a paid subscription today! Gift subscriptions and discounted group rates are also available if you want to buy for friends, loved ones, or colleagues who might enjoy w3w’s content. 🙂 🎁